Friday, May 6, 2011

New Beginning: Vancouver Film School

"Results Matter." -VFS Motto

It's been a few weeks since I last had internet access on a real computer due to my relocation to Vancouver, Canada to attend Vancouver Film School (VFS). And we can't forget the subsequent issues with the moving company that has extended my lack of internet access, seemingly indefinitely. So, I can't show off my lovely pictures of the city or upload my nearly completed TotBS render, but I can talk about relocating and he city itself.

To anyone thinking of relocating to Vancouver from the US: it's expensive, but worth it!

It's amazing how much moving across country costs. Moving your stuff (in my case a small apartment equivalent of stuff) costs around $3,000. You can also expect to pay about double for rent if you want to live in a safe neighborhood downtown, or pay $100-200 for transportation if you commute. In fact, you will pay more for just about everything, even toilet paper. And never underestimate the cost of the little things: pots, pans, new trash bins, a rain coat, soap, household cleaners... the list goes on and on.

So what's the upside? People, especially store clerks and commercial employees, are unbelievably friendly. Traffic functions even when it's crowded because people let each other in. The spring weather is absolutely gorgeous! There are a million-and-one restaurants and all of them are delicious, and there is no shortage of things to do. Buses run on time, people are dependable, and you can find just about anything you need. And after living here for three months, you qualify for BC health insurance! Just root for the Canucks in public and everything will be fine.

Granted this can still be considered my first impression of the city since I have only been here for three weeks, but I don't see myself hating this city any time soon. I will have pictures of the city in bloom as soon as the opportunity arises, but until then, "GO CANUCKS!"


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