Saturday, August 18, 2012

Being Beaten by the UDK

 "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution in available." -Windows 7

I'm mostly posting because I need these images hosted to get help on the UDK forums, but I suppose posting here at least tells people I'm still alive and working, right? I'm having some frustrating problems translating between Maya and the UDK, even on this model which I designed specifically to work there. -sigh- Something in my normal maps is causing some ugly seaming in my UDK skull, which "seams" (haha!) to have no effect on Viewport 2.0 or Maya renders.

 Viewport 2.0

 UDK Material and Mesh Preview (in red)

I suppose I may as well also post some progress I've made with my lighting, which I was able to work on for about 2 hours last week. It's not much but I realized there were quite a few ugly corners that didn't blend well, and I decided to go in a more orange/red direction. It's still very much a work in progress, as I deleted a bunch of the fill lights that weren't working.

 Lighting WIP, Minus Proper Fill

I'm not sure I like the change in colour, really. I was sorta looking at posters from Nightmare on Elm Street for horror lighting reference, but I think that palate only worked because of the contrast with the warm, safe lighting and the harsh dark shadows cast by the clawed hand. Still, that bounce needed fixing...


UPDATE: Problem solved thanks to a reply on the UDK forums! Apparently I missed a compression setting during the normal map importing phase, and now it's working just fine. More to come soon!

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