The good news is, I started a personal project that I've been motivated to work on! It's a comic series about... well.... a zombie. I've got two comics sketched out so far, but I'm realizing that the non-linear thought process of my brain isn't conducive to a story with any sort of timeline. Haha! I'll need to work for a while to get all the introductory pages done, since I can't do them in order, but I think it's possible. Take a look!

I'm still working on the "how she died" part. Toilet seat-asteroids have been done before. I'm also considering giving the silhouette in the first page a serious Photoshop make over and adding some hatching to it. I really haven't decided what style I want to use for it, or even if I want to stick to one style. Just one more thing for me to think about.
I also did some artistic doodles for our Pecha Kucha presentation this past Monday. We did an "Industry Vs. Us" showdown theme. I was responsible for the pipeline comparison slides, which I think everyone got a kick out of.

Yeah, that's about right. Although amazingly enough, most people didn't actually notice the lack of sound or particles because they were so in to the game. Oh and check out the 3Deception Studios project site for a teaser of the game play. We should have the full game available for download soon, too. (If not, I'll ninja host it somewhere.)
Our final presentation for the game and research is Friday December 3rd, 2010 at 3:00 pm in Purdue University's Stewart Center, Room 314. This will also be available on UStream thanks to Voxee. We'd love to hear from anyone who wishes to comment on the presentation, and invite everyone to tune in.
Other than that I wish everyone a great Thanksgiving holiday! I've already seen the new Harry Potter, caught up with The Walking Dead, and finished Uncharted, so you know I'll be having a great time. At least until my group starts asking me about project work. Just kidding, guys!